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A member registered Apr 16, 2017

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We know quite solidly that the speaker in DPTG has Receptive Aphasia. This accounts for the nonsense words in the passage, especially considering some nonsense words are written on the script on the Solution.png E.g. "gromfriel". I doubt it's German. I fear we are trying to decipher what she's saying too obviously, and thus you probably have an incorrect translation. I think that's a coincidence. What we should be paying attention to is the last big clue we were solidly given: "467767 - Listen Again - 467767 - Listen Again - 467767 - Listen Again - 467767 - Listen Again - 467767 - Listen Again - 467767 - Listen Again" in the Solution.png when opened as a text file. Note that it says it 6 times as well.

That's for you to find out... BWWAAAAAAHHHHH *INCEPTION THEME PLAYS*

Apparently, the score you get is the sum of all the letters at the top, A=1, B=2, C=3 etc. That would explain why it's out of 780 (30 * 26=780)

Should we try writing up possible transcripts?

The script is written backwards on the Solution.png, although its almost impossible to see.

Anyone know how to extract that audio file? Recording it wouldn't be clear enough. I could look into the actual waveforms and see if we get anywhere!

It's symmetrical - it's unlikely to be an encrypted word